

FAQs of Dental Implants

Apr 15 • 2 minute read

Many people take a simple dental function like being able to bite and chew for granted. But when you have missing teeth that prevent you from doing these simple and essential things, you quickly realize how important it is to have a healthy smile.

Among the options available for tooth replacement is a relatively new and highly effective treatment. Dental Implants can be life-changing for those suffering from missing teeth. Here are some frequently asked questions about dental implants to help you decide if they are the right choice for you.

1. Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Most people between the ages of 18-90 qualify for implants. A small percentage of people who’ve had significant bone loss may require a bone graft before the treatment. This increases bone volume, strengthening the bone and giving the implants a secure anchor.  

 2. What Exactly is a Dental Implant?

A titanium or ceramic screw is implanted into the jaw bone. It typically takes between three and six months for the bone to fuse with the screw. The implant post is biocompatible, so the bone perfectly integrates with the implant. This provides a stable foundation to attach a crown or bridge securely.

3. Why are Dental Implants Better for Oral Health?

Missing teeth can lead to bone loss in the. This can change your facial structure, causing an aged and sunken appearance. Implants provide stimulation to the jaw and prevent bone loss. Furthermore, bridges use crowns placed over neighboring healthy teeth, which have to be reshaped to fit. Some individuals may not even have existing teeth that are healthy enough to support bridges.

4. Are Dental Implants Expensive?

You may pay more initially for a dental implant, but in the long run, it is more cost-effective. Because of chronic bone loss, dentures often need to be replaced. Dental implants are permanent, and they have a 95% success rate and can last a lifetime. The cost varies according to individual treatments, and your insurance may contribute to their expense.

5. Is Implant Treatment Painful?

Dental implants are no more painful than having a cavity filled or a tooth extracted. The procedure is done in a dental office, and IV sedation is available. After the implant post is placed, a temporary crown or bridge is placed until healing is complete.

6. How Do Implants Look and Feel?

Implants give a natural and enhanced appearance to a smile. They will look identical to your natural teeth. You’ll feel less sensation due to the loss of the tooth root, but your new smile will be strong and durable. You will have no diet restrictions with implants.

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